Taxes Payable when buying a property

The process of buying a property can be expensive, because in addition to the purchase amount, it is necessary to take into account the payment of taxes, not forgetting the amount payable from the deed!

The buyer before the deed must settle the IMT (Municipal Tax on Onerous Real Estate Transfers) and the IS (Stamp Duty). These are mandatory to make the payment for the realization of the deed because it is required proof by the notary to confirm the payment of these.

However you may be EXEMPT. If the value of the property is less than 115,509€ (Autonomous Regions Madeira and Azores) and 92 407€ ( Mainland Portugal), it is exempt from paying the IMT, paying only the IS whose fee is 0.8% on the defined value of the sale. These IMT values apply to the payment of the purchase of a property for permanent own housing.

There is an IMT table with values for permanent own housing and for secondary housing.

For those who did not know or had doubts, here is the information what taxes to pay to the State before the act of Deed.