Golden Visa

Golden Visa Portugal, also known as residence permit for investment activity (ARI), is a program that has been active since October 2012 and offers investors the possibility to obtain permanent residence in the country Portuguese by making certain qualified investments.

It is worth saying that this system presents itself as a two-way street. On the one hand, the country receives a number of resources that are used to stimulate the local market, invest in structure or directed to the well-being of the population. On the other hand, the investor enjoys a number of consequent benefits of residence.

What are the advantages and benefits of the Gold Visa or Golden Visa Portugal ?

One of the great advantages of having the Golden Visa is to have a free pass to move around the 26 countries that make up the Schengen Area. Thus it is possible to travel with free entry to nations such as: France, Germany, Denmark, Greece, Holland, Spain, Sweden and England, without the need for a visa.

It should be stressed that this type of visa does not apply only to the lead applicant. They can enroll additional applicants as long as they are direct family members.

But things don't stop there. If you want to keep your residence in a Lusitanian city but don't want to live in the country, there are no problems. For this, just spend 7 days a year on average in Portugal.

Typically, investors and their families use this time to spend their vacations  and enjoy the country.

No for nothing is that this is one of europe's most sought-after programmes.

Please note changes to the Golden Visa valid from 1 January 2022

The 2020 State Budget provided for some changes to the Golden Visa programme, which would be valid from July 2021.

However, they entered into force only on January 1, 2022, limiting some criteria established for the granting of ARI, as determined by Decree-Law No. 14/2021.

It is not exactly the end of the Golden Visa program in Portugal, but some changes that significantly affect the type of investment made in the country. The two main measures adopted are:

1. Restriction of real estate investments necessary for the granting of Golden Visas to the territories of the interior of the country, Madeira and azores. Housing real estate investment in Porto, Lisbon and algarve will not be allowed to grant the Golden Visa;

2. Increase in the minimum value of some of the investment assumptions (as described above).

Please note: the restriction of real estate investment in Lisbon, Porto and algarve for the granting of Golden Visa is housing, for investment in commercial real estate (rooms, shops, etc.) there is no such restriction.


ELLEVAR Properties

+351 967 532 374

2076 AMI